2SML’s virtual Métis talent extravaganza


Celebrate the end of Pride month with a bang! Join us on Wed., June 30 at 7PM for a virtual Métis talent extravaganza! Open to all Manitoba Métis Citizens. Register to share your talent or as a spectator at https://zoom.us/.../tJIkd-qhrj8uGdJvH2tZ4Lsrfjp-moOrEdIu Participation and

Two-Spirit Michif Local meeting


Please join us on Monday, October 4 from 6:00-8:00PM for a local meeting. RSVP to [email protected] by noon on Friday, October 1. We will send the Zoom link and meeting package (agenda, previous minutes, etc.) to those who RSVP. You

Two-Spirit Michif Local meeting


Please join us on Monday, February 7 from 6:00-8:00PM for a local meeting. New and interested members are welcome! RSVP to [email protected] by noon on Friday, February 4 for the Zoom link and meeting package (agenda, previous minutes, etc.). You

Beginner Michif Language Workshop


Piishikwee aañ Michif/Speak in Michif Join us for a Beginner Michif Language Workshop with Laura Forsythe for Two-Spirit Michif Local members! Send us a message at [email protected] to let us know you're coming by noon on Friday, February 18.

Two-Spirit Michif Local meeting


The Manitoba Metis Federation's Annual General Assembly is fast approaching (March 25-27)! Please join us on Monday, March 21 from 6:00-8:00PM for a local meeting. Please come prepared to discuss the new resolutions: https://www.mmf.mb.ca/aga-constitution-resolutions RSVP to [email protected] by noon on

Two-Spirit Michif Local meeting


Join us on Thursday, July 28 from 6-8:00 p.m. for our final local meeting before our upcoming local elections (August/September). Come to learn more about the executive positions and the latest local/MMF business! New and interested members are welcome! RSVP

Two-Spirit Michif Local Elections


Are you one of the next leaders of the Two-Spirit Michif Local? The Two-Spirit Michif Local Elections are taking place on Monday, September 12th at 6 p.m. via Zoom! At the Local Meeting held on July 28, a motion was

Bison on the Red – rescheduled!

Manitoba Canoe and Kayak Centre 80 Churchill Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Want to paddle the ‘dirty waters’ of Winnipeg? Join us for a night on the water – a generous gift from the Bison Local to the Two-Spirit Michif Local! When: September 15th, 7:00-9:00 Where: Manitoba Canoe Kayak Center located at